all postcodes in CB22 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB22 4FA 5 0 52.094766 0.158226
CB22 4LT 40 10 52.112396 0.148547
CB22 4AA 1 1 52.113135 0.149444
CB22 4LU 25 0 52.110291 0.147117
CB22 4LX 51 0 52.110255 0.143201
CB22 4LY 4 0 52.109157 0.140739
CB22 4LZ 10 0 52.110473 0.146016
CB22 4NA 8 0 52.111612 0.144201
CB22 4NB 12 0 52.108807 0.139218
CB22 4ND 20 1 52.112371 0.151905
CB22 4NE 29 3 52.113135 0.155534
CB22 4NG 44 0 52.114143 0.152385
CB22 4NH 24 1 52.108113 0.156796
CB22 4NJ 16 0 52.104762 0.159891
CB22 4WL 11 11 52.104868 0.166322
CB22 4NL 56 7 52.104081 0.163684
CB22 4NQ 23 0 52.111033 0.154468
CB22 4NR 15 0 52.11238 0.146983
CB22 4NS 36 0 52.114636 0.153431
CB22 4NT 14 0 52.110059 0.145543